My name is Cristina Danguillecourt. I was born in the United States from parents of Cuban birth but French, Dutch, and Spanish origin. I was educated in Spain and have traveled extensively throughout Europe, which contributed to learning English, Spanish, and French. I studied education, clinical psychology, and in the United States I obtained a Master’s in Human Resource and Development.

As a teacher, I worked in a bilingual school as part of the English Department. I was a fourth-grade homeroom teacher, and I taught science, art, and language arts in the English language, while the rest of their subjects were imparted in Spanish

During the years I spent studying psychology, I also did a three-year program for speech and language rehabilitation and therapy. This gave me the opportunity to work with children who stuttered, or had complicated phonetic issues, not to mention a gentleman who had suffered a stroke and had to be reeducated in speech. As a psychologist, I have worked with children of various challenges ranging from cerebral palsy, Down syndrome, visual impairment, hearing impairment, and mental challenges of various levels.

After completing my master’s degree, I helped open a restaurant in Spain known as La Favorita where I implemented a complete job task analysis for all the employees. At the same time, I registered and completed two literature classes at Saint Louis University in Madrid.
I love to write! I have always loved to write! I have ton of notebooks filled with ideas, dialogues, scenes, synopsis, and descriptions.

I once heard Garth Brooks, my favorite country singer, say that when a singer is contracted to sing in a bar, club, or similar venue, his recommendation was to have a good repertoire, to make sure the bag of songs they took with them was varied and ample. He also spoke about songs in a drawer that sometimes he would pull out when the time was right. I think his recommendation is easily applied to writers. So, I never trash anything! The great part of this? When I go over things written in the past, I see not only elements that could be useful but how much my writing has progressed.

Now the time has arrived to share what I have written. Three books will be coming out one after the other. They were written long ago but have recently been put together. I say share because my main objective is to entertain. We need that now a days. I would say a lot! Books that make you forget what is going on today. There are a lot of writers out there who accomplish that. I hope I can be one of them.

Something I am proud of is that everything I have done, no matter the time dedicated to it, because you may plan and plan but life seems to sometimes direct you to different and unknown ports, I have done well, and way above average. It has all been due to my effort, my drive, and my motivation, and I know, in whatever there is to come, it will always be the same way.

My motto? What have you done today to better the world and your fellow man? What have you done for yourself that makes you a better person? What have you accomplished that will make you reap the fruit from the tree that you planted, not others, you, not relying on the merits of others or using it to benefit yourself, but instead walking with your own shoes, filling the blank pages of life with your story, shared with the rest of the world, but ultimately, your story.
And that is me!


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